So, final English exam went well. Three critical analyses to write - two compulsory and one free choice. It was tough producing work under time pressure and although I had a lot to say (it was an open book exam), I think I drifted off topic now and then in the sense of writing about plot rather than about style or content or word usage. I guess / hope that as I get more used to exams, I'll do better. Still waiting for final result on that.
I handed in my final Religious Studies research paper on time - 2,700 words on Baptism in the Holy Spirit, for which I got 80% - 40/50. In his comment, he had nothing but good things to say about it - excellence in research, structure, writing, critical engagement ... which leaves me wondering how on earth one could improve on 40/50? What would I need to do to get a higher mark, if he didn't fault anything? Where was the lack? I'm not sure, and rather doubt I'll ever find out now that the course is over.
The coursework for the second semester is starting to appear on the uni intranet and it looks so cool! I know LING 101 is simply a beginner language course, but I really like the look of it. Nothing posted yet for FILM 101. And for my third paper - the writing workshop - well, it is already all systems go! Received a bunch of emails from the facilitator which included a first writing exercise to be completed during this vacation break and prepared for presentation at the first course meeting on Monday 11th July. Woo hoo! Time to get writing, methinks!
But for now, I'm on holiday, thousands of kms away from Welly and my kids, spending time in South Africa with my aging parents and some of my oldest and dearest friends.
I've only done one in class exam for my literary major and it felt like a nightmare! The time restriction is the biggest off putter, especially when you start seeing everyone leave after about an hour and a half! You did well though, so congrats.